18. and 19.11.2022: 13 years of Monte Carlo – Everything only the finest

18. and 19.11.2022: 13 years of Monte Carlo – Everything only the finest

Event announcement: The years go by and many things disappear, but what is good remains, because people like to stick with it. One of the latter is the FKK Club Monte Carlo, which is celebrating its 13th anniversary this year. The corresponding anniversary celebration will take place from Friday, Friday 18. to Saturday, the November 19th. Then the club offers its visitors a special program that is well worth seeing!

There is a champagne reception to welcome the guests and to get them in the mood for all the wonderful things to follow: On stage, Mark Aurel and Jolee Love demonstrate their many qualities as erotic entertainers with a licentious performance that soon leads to a visually appealing ride. The thirst for a sexual experience that undoubtedly arises is also fueled by an attractive dancer in the glass.

Fortunately, there are numerous female guests at this wild party, so you will find plenty of reasons to realize this plan during the rest of your stay and celebrate the grand entrance together with one and / or several of these beautiful ladies. Of course, there doesn’t necessarily have to be someone watching – the love rooms are open around the clock or during the club’s opening hours and are perfect as a retreat for such and other ventures for personal lust fulfillment.

But the wild 13 can do even more than just eroticism: the wellness area with sauna and co. provides all-round soothing relaxation and the huge anniversary buffet has many delicious dishes waiting to be eaten. As a special delicacy, there is lamb “Sinicia”. Of course, you can also dance – a live DJ will provide a disco atmosphere with the right party drive and on Saturday (18.11.) a delicious cake will also be cut, just as it should be for a real birthday. Not forgetting the Mega Tombola, which runs over both days and where, as always, there are attractive prizes to be won*. Admission costs 49 euros / party day.

Raffle prizes
1st place: 1313 euros in cash
2nd place: 200 Euro fuel voucher
3rd place: 100 euros in cash

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„Wir weisen darauf hin, dass der Eintritt sexuelle Dienstleistungen nicht beinhaltet, ebenso nicht die Gewähr, dass es zu sexuellen Dienstleistungen kommt. Die Damen machen ihre eigene Werbung und bieten ihre Dienstleistungen als selbständige Unternehmerinnen an. Sie sind somit ausschließlich auf eigene Rechnung tätig und stehen in keinem rechtlichen Tätigkeitsverhältnis zum FKK Monte Carlo. Das FKK Monte Carlo übernimmt keine Gewähr dafür, dass es zu sexuellen Dienstleistungen kommt. Das Ob und die Art und Weise der sexuellen Dienstleistungen und die Höhe der Vergütung finden ausschließlich durch eine Absprache zwischen den Damen und den Gästen statt. Diese Absprachen begründen kein Vertragsverhältnis und keine geschäftliche Beziehung zum FKK Monte Carlo.

Die Damen sind als selbständige Unternehmerinnen tätig und entscheiden selbst über die Anwesenheit und ob sie mit Fotos werben wollen oder nicht.“




